
Reach out to Reimari chat

Reimari’s chat is meant for youth living in Vaasa or in near areas. If you are also planning to move to Vaasa and have some questions related to your move, feel free to ask those questions through our chat channel as well. To start a chat conversation, click a button on the right corner of the screen and start a conversation. If we are not available at the time you leave your question, please leave an e-mail address to the chat so that we can reply to you.

The questions will be answered by the staff of Reimari and different professionals from different fields.

Only appropriate questions will be answered.


Do you feel overwhelmed? Struggling with your studies? Relationship issues?


Reach out to Reimari chat, we’re here to listen and chat with you!


  • Exclusively for Vaasa residents aged 13–28.
  • Available Monday to Friday, from 10 to 15.
When Reimari chat is not available you can find other information, guidance and counselling services in the link below.