It is nobody’s right to commit a crime. An offensive act is punishable by the law. According to the law, the perpetrator is acted as a defendant and the victim is acted as a plaintiff. They both have right to get a lawyer for their advocating.
Criminal law begins in Finland at the age of 15. However, the offender younger than this is liable for the damage he has caused and may be subject to child protection measures.
The suspect has two ways to deal with the crime. If found innocent, the charge will be dropped. However, if the defendant is found guilty again, he will be charged with penalty. The penalties in Finland can be one or combined: Fines, Indispensable Imprisonment, Dispensable Imprisonment, Community Service, Youth Punishment and Driving Ban.
Young criminals are the persons whose age is between 15- 21 years old during the time of crime.
Less than 15 years of age
A person who has committed an offense under the age of 15 is not tried in court or sentenced. Social services and police are responsible for guiding children under the age of 15 off the crime tracks.
If a person who has committed crime under the age of 15, his/ her matter is not taken to the court, neither they are charged with penalties. Social service and police are responsible to guide them to walk in the right track.
A 15-17 year old criminal
Sentencing the criminal between the ages of 15 and 17 is subject to the rule that the punishment should not exceed 3/4 of what would be committed against an adult. People under the age of 18 are not usually sentenced to imprisonment. They might not be sentenced if the court decides that they could learn without penalty.
Juvenile punishment
Juvenile offenses under the age of 18 are punishable by 4 to 12 months’ punishment. Its purpose is, in particular, to prevent new crimes and to promote the social survival of the criminal.
Juvenile punishment is not carried out in the penal institution, but the sentenced person is under supervision throughout the sentence. Juvenile punishment includes supervised tasks and programs to promote social capacity, as well as support and guidance. In addition, youth punishment includes controlled unpaid work and familiarization with working life.
If the convicted young person violates the rules on the execution of juvenile sentences or commits new crimes, he or she may be sentenced to another penalty, such as imprisonment.
The young person’s liability for compensation of damages
The obligation to pay damages does not depend on whether the offender has been sentenced. The juvenile must compensate for the damage caused by the crime. This also applies to those under the age of 15. However, the liability to pay damages might be revised if the circumstances are such that it would be unreasonable to award full compensation to the minor.
Child offenders under the age of 15 may be subject to child protection measures. In serious cases, it is everyone’s responsibility to bring the matter to the police, regardless of the offender’s age.
The Criminal Records is a national central register that mainly records information on those sentenced to imprisonment. The term “custodial sentence” means mainly suspended and unconditional imprisonment, community service and juvenile punishment. Information is collected, stored and disclosed, for example, in cases such as punishing a person for a crime or ensuring the suitability and reliability of a person. For certain jobs, a criminal record extract is required when the job is received.
Further information can be found at: Judiciary Finnish Criminal Code