Financing of Studies

Studying in Finland is free almost everywhere. Everyone has equal access to get education regardless of his/ her family’s wealth. Society also supports to study.

The most important source of income for a student is student subsidy which consists of student allowance, housing allowance and a student loan guaranteed by the state. It can be obtained from the age of 17 onward in vocational and upper secondary school, as well as in polytechnics and universities. Students have to study full time and the subsidy lasts at least two months.

Many students do part time job alongside their studies. It is great way to earn little more and get to know the real working world. However, you have to keep in mind that work may slow down your studies. So, finding the right pace to work and prioritizing the study is important. You should also give time for friends and rest.

Working alongside studies may bring some change in the student subsidy. Kela advises you how much you can earn without reducing your subsidies. If the subsidies have been overpaid, Kela recovers them back from you. If you find that your income limits are exceeding, please contact Kela. You can also pay back yourself to Kela voluntarily.

Studies can also be funded by grants or scholarships. They are awarded by various organizations and foundations and can be applied for, for example, for study, graduation or postgraduate study abroad. Some of the grants are targeted at specific groups, such as Swedish-speaking students or students in a particular field. Instructions for applying can be obtained directly from the grantor. It is a good idea to visit the Foundation Service website when looking for grants. Click here for more info.

Voluntary studies supported by unemployment benefit

You may be entitled to unemployment benefit during your study period if

  • you have registered to TE- office as a job seeker and your job search is valid
  • you are at least 25 years old
  • The TE- office estimates that need of education and training will improve you academic skills and open more possibilities for you in the labor market
  • you have agreed about the employment plan to support your studies with unemployment benefit before starting the studies

Voluntary studies cannot be supported with unemployment benefit if you quit your job to start your own studies. You can find more information on the website of TE- office from here.


Adult education support

Employment Fund provides adult education/ training to the students who are employed, entrepreneurs or have employment relationship.

You will be able to get full adult education support, if you are an adult student undergoing voluntary vocational training, is employed or have employment relationship and

  • you have been in employment for a total period of at least eight years
  • you have been employed by your current employer for at least one year before the start of the subsidized course
  • you are on unpaid study leave for at least two consecutive months
  • you receive a maximum of EUR 250 gross per month during study leave, and
  • you will not receive any other support for your studies.

Studying must be a full-time during the grant period and you must be present at the school during the grant period. Visit the employment fund’s web site for more info.
