Job Searching

It is a good idea to think about your own goal, skills and planning the future when applying for a job. There could be many applicants, so it is good idea to use as many channels as possible, for example, social media. It is important to have bold and spontaneous attitude which will set you apart from other applicants.


Good job application 

A good job application is short, concise and personal. It is not necessary to tell everything about yourself but about your skills, competences, educational background and previous work experiences relevant to the job application. It is good to write the application using the computer and with clear and simple language.

Good CV:

Curriculum Vitae, i.e.; CV is important document during the job- hunt. CV is concise description of the applicant’s skills and education. It is very important that the CV is short and compact, logical, correct spelling and should contain right information about the applicant.


Right candidate will be offered right job, and once accepted by both parties, a contract of employment will be signed.

You can also tell about yourself as an employee straight to the employer.  You can also send your CV to TE- office internet service.

Tips about writing CV and applying job can be found from Uranoste’s web site.

NäytönPaikka service  is a personalized tool that provides you with a variety of tools such as a network map, a timeline, and a completed resume template. The link is attached here:


You can find an easy-to-read guide to studying and working in the website of Financial News Agency. The guide is available in six languages. Click here to know more!
