Welcome to the Creative Arts Workshops!
How to create a story and be part of it using: Theatre, Graphic Story Telling, Spoken Word
“Performing the future” is a series of creative arts workshops addressed to young adults in Vaasa. By using elements from drama, graphic storytelling (visual storytelling), spoken word poetry and critical pedagogy, “performing the future” aims at offering young people artistic “tools” to facilitate every – day life by promoting creativity.
How can I visualize my future and be part of it?
What is my story so far, and what do I expect from my life?
How can I be a part of a community?
What motivates me into pursuing a career?
These workshops are using mainly Project – Based Learning and Pedagogy of Critical Thinking aiming at empowering team – work and creating a “learning community” of young people who share common concerns and common goals in life. They are also aiming at cultivating self – awareness, as well as self – esteem in order for the participants to gain motivation in everyday life tasks.
This method of creating “learning communities” has been performed successfully for over 10 years in Greece and the main facilitator (Thomas Velissaris) now lives and studies in Finland, updating his experiences in education and pedagogy in general.
First meeting 29th March 2022, 16.30–18.30
Meeting place: Nuorisotalo Kultsa
Raastuvankatu 30, 2nd floor
65100 Vaasa
The workshop is intended for youth within 13-29 years old. The group meets 10 times. Performing the future is held in English.
Registration by calling or sending an email to: emelj.bajram@vaasa.fi
If you have more questions regarding the workshops, please send an email to: velissaristhom@gmail.com
For more information, check the poster and the presentation.