Internet security skills

The web allows for a wide range of activities, so it is good to also know the security skills.

Information security is very important when using internet. It starts already from when you open your devices and use them. That’s why, it is good to learn how to use your devices properly. Check if the antivirus programs are up to date. It is good to know what kind of internet connection you have, what does firewall mean, how does it work on your devices, what kind of operating system your devices support etc.

Everything that is illegal in general is also illegal on the Internet. The most common types of illegality on the Internet are: copyright infringement and crime, unjustified threats, defamation, and dissemination of privacy information.

Online etiquette means good behavior on the net. When hundreds of millions of people use the Internet at the same time, they also encounter bad behavior. Each of us can make using the web nice and flexible by following common rules:

  • Never give anyone your contact information in forums. Somebody may misuse your information for wrong purpose.
  • Think carefully about the kind of pictures you put on your website. The pictures are accessible to others online, and some of the pictures end up on unauthorized pages or as pictures for someone who uses it to change their identity in forums.
  • The law prohibits depicting another person’s intimate life, listening to it, making false claims, and damaging another person’s honor. Using a cell phone in a private location is not allowed without the permission. Sharing photos and videos over the phone or the web also requires individual permission.
  • Don’t go to meet your online friend alone. Take somebody with you. It can be your brother, sister or a friend. If you go alone,inform your friend or family members about the time and spot. Don’t go to a meeting if your online acquaintance is a little suspicious or scared of you/ vice versa. It’s always a good idea to meet in a public places if you are meeting for the first time.
  • When adventuring on the internet, you may end up with pages that are distressing and distracting. Dare to tell a trusted adult.
  • Porn sites are not intended for children under the age of 18 and generally prohibit minors from using them.
  • Not all information on the Internet is true. There are lot of scam pages which looks authentic and official but they are not! Be careful of that!
  • If you experience something uncomfortable, telling to your trusted one  is better idea than regretting later.


Save the Children
