Welcome to the citizen survey, which examines the perceptions related to youth work in the municipality.
Responding to the survey is voluntary and anonymous.
At the beginning of the survey, you will choose the municipality you want to address. After that, there will be a few background questions about your role as a respondent. Finally, you will be presented with a series of statements about youth work in the municipality, to which you can respond according to your own perceptions.
The survey will be carried out in several municipalities around Finland.
The survey is part of the operations of the Centre of Expertise for Municipal Youth Work Kanuuna, funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The youth services of the city of Vaasa are involved in the survey and will use the answers in the development work of youth work. The City of Vaasa Youth Services is now surveying the perceptions related to youth work in the region. The survey is open to anyone who wishes to respond, and the answers will be used to develop the city’s youth work services.
We welcome all the citizens of Vaasa to respond to the survey mapping your perceptions of youth work in your region! Answering the survey will help the City of Vaasa to develop its youth work services.
Answer the questionnaire by 19.11.2023: https://link.webropol.com/s/Kuntalaiskysely23
The survey is open to people of all ages in Vaasa and to partners of Youth Work.
- Responding to the survey is voluntary and anonymous.
- At the beginning of the survey, you choose the municipality you want to address.
- You will then answer a few background questions about the role in which you are responding to the survey.
- Finally, the survey asks you to answer a series of questions about youth work in the City of Vaasa. Here, you are asked to share your personal views and experiences.
The survey is part of the operations of the Centre of Expertise for Municipal Youth Work Kanuuna, funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and it will be carried out in several municipalities around Finland.