Hobby coordinator

Are you interested in starting a new hobby, but you don’t know…

  • What/When/Where?
  • What do the hobbyes cost? Are there any free alternatives?
  • What kind of hobby would suit me?

The hobby coordinator in Reimari would be happy to help finding you a new hobby! Visit in Reimari during the opening hours, or book a time that suits you.

There are many different kind of hobbyes. Would you be interested in starting a sport, something with arts and crafts, or maybe art? There are countless possibilities, you can get inspiration also in our hobbybook.

It might seem like some hobbyes aren’t free, or it’s not possible to sign up this time of the year. But luckily, many offer possibilities to try, free of charge, before making a commitment for the season. For example TaiKon and some of the scout -groups offer this. You can always ask – either the ones offering the hobby or Johanna.




040 4839032
